The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology 2014 (ICServ 2014) Call for Paper

Call for Papers

The 2nd International Conference on Serviceology 2014 (ICServ 2014)
September 14-16, 2014, Keio University Hiyoshi Campus, Yokohama, Japan

The 2nd international conference on Serviceology (ICServ 2014) will be held for September 14 -16, 2014 in Yokohama. The main goal of this conference is to provide opportunities for the researchers from academia and industry to share the latest technologies, methodologies, and case studies toward co-creation of services in a sustainable society.

Important Dates:
March 15 : Abstract submission deadline 
April 30 : Full paper and Short paper submission deadline
June 15 : Notification of acceptance
September 14-16 : Conference 

・Data assimilation & human modeling
・Healthcare services
・Mechanism design for services
・Regional development & policymaking
・Service innovation and design
・Tourism & hospitality
・Product Service System (PSS)
・Service robotics ・Enhancing service analysis and testing with VR/AR/MR
・Context-based services
・Psychology & Neuro-aided design
・Service economy and productivity
・Service management & marketing
・System design and management
・Public & urban services
・Service theory

Keynote Speech
Dr. Birgit Magar  (Köln International School of Design (KISD), Germany)
Mr. Norio Murakami (Former VP of Google & Former President of Google Japan, Japan)
Prof. Jun Murai (Keio University) 

General Chair: Takashi Maeno (Keio University, Japan) 
General Co-Chair: Birgit Mager (Koln International School of Design (KISD), Germany) 
Program Chair: Yuriko Sawatani (Waseda University, Japan) 
Program Co-Chair: Masanao Takeyama (Keio University, Japan) 
Local Arrangement Chair: Naohiko Kohtake (Keio University, Japan)
Media Chair: Tetsuro Ogi (Keio University, Japan) 
Financial Chair: Toshiki Nishiyama (Keio University, Japan) 

Paper Submission:
•Full papers, which are presenting interesting recent results or novel ideas on service researches.
•Short papers (Works-in-progress papers), which are presenting interesting and exciting recent results or on-going research including case studies, or novel ideas on businesses.
•Posters, which are focusing on discussion with attendees.
All authors must submit the abstract (100-300 words) of their paper by March 15. Then all authors must submit full and short papers by April 30 using each template.

Accepted full papers and Works-in-progress papers will be published on a single-volume conference PDF file. Only selected full papers will be published by Springer as a book series. Authors of a full paper should sign the Springer Copyright Form. All short paper copyright belongs to the Society for Serviceology. 

Program Committee:
Takeyama, M. (Keio University, Japan) 
Maeno, T. (Keio University, Japan)
Kohtake, N. (Keio University, Japan) 
Hara, T.(University of Tokyo, Japan)
Sawatani, Y.(Waseda University, Japan)
Kwan, Stephen (San Jose State University, USA)
Spohrer, Jim C (IBM Almaden, USA) 
Takenaka, T. (AIST,Japan)
Toivonen, M. (VTT, Finland)
Ueda, K. (AIST,Japan) 
Watanabe, K.(AIST, Japan)
Shibata, T. (NAIST, Japan) 
Jashen Chen(Yuan Ze University, Taiwan)
Akamatsu, M. (AIST, Japan)
Arai, T (Shibaura Institute of Tech., Japan) 
Asama, H (University of Tokyo, Japan) 
Ganz, Walter (Fraunhofer IAO, German)
Geczy, Peter (AIST, Japan) 
Kurata, T (AIST, Japan)
Kurumatani, K (AIST, Japan)
Kwon, Hyeog Ug (Nihon University, Japan)
Lindahl, Mattias (Linkoeping University, Sweden)
Liu, Jiming (Hong Kong Baptist University, China) 
Maruyama, H. (ISM, Japan) 
Mochimaru, M. (AIST,Japan)
Morikawa, M. (RIETI, Japan) 
Motomura, Y.(AIST,Japan)
Nakashima, H.(Hakodate Future University, Japan)
Nishino, N. (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Oda, Sobei H (Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan) 
Pezotta, Giuditta (University of Bergamo, Italy)
Rubens, Neil (UEC, Japan)
Simomura, Y. (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan) 
Tsumoto, S.(Shimane University, Japan)
Windt, K(Jacobs University Bremen, German) 
Yamamoto, Y. (AIST, Japan)
Nishiyama,T (Keio University, Japan)
Takano, K. (Keio University, Japan)
Nishimura, H (Keio University, Japan)
Nakano, M. (Keio University, Japan)
Toma, T. (Keio University, Japan)
Haruyama, S.(Keio University, Japan)
Birgit, Marger(Koln International School of Design (KISD), Germany)

With best wishes,
Yuriko Sawatani, Ph.D.
Professor, Center for Research Strategy, Waseda University