A. ヨーロッパを中心にサービスイノベーション研究が行われてきました。それらに関する書籍:
1. Services and the Knowledge-Based Economy, edited by Mark Boden and
Ian Miles, Continuum, London, 2000
In this pioneering book, leading researchers in the fields of service
industries and innovation studies investigate the reasons for the
growth of the service sectors and this emergent knowledge economy.
Drawing on material as diverse as macroeconomic statistics and
firm-level case studies, the contributors demonstrate that services
are often important innovators in their own right, as well as
contributing to innovation and economic performance in their user
2. Innovation in the Service Economy The New Wealth of Nations, Friz
Gallouj, Edward Elgar, UK, 2002
In this book, the author propounds a theoretical framework which
describes and evaluates the main approaches to analyzing and
understanding innovation in services. He provides interesting and
extensive empirical material on the nature and sources of innovation
in various services sectors and countries, and makes an original
contribution both to theories of innovation in services and theories
of innovation in general.
3. Productivity, Innovation and Knowledge in Services New Economic and
Socio-Economic Approaches, edited by Jean Gadrey and Faiz Gallouj,
Edward Elgar, UK, 2002
Services now account for almost three quarters of economic activity in
advanced market economies and two of the principal topics that
researchers on services have been concerned with are, on the one hand,
productivity, and on the other, innovation in and through services.
These two issues, and finding ways to measure and conceptualize them,
lie at the heart of this book.
4. Service Innovation Organizational Responses to Technological Opportunities & Market Imperatives, edited by Joe Tidd and Frank M Hull, Imperial College Press, 2003
This collection brings together academic research and management practice on innovation in services, and identifies a range of successful organizational responses to current technological opportunities and market imperatives. The contributors include leading researchers, consultants and practitioners in the field, who provide rigorous yet practical insights into managing and organizing innovation in services.
B. サービスサイエンス以降、ヨーロッパに加え、アメリカ、その他の諸国の研究に関する書籍:
Service Science: Research and Innovations in the Service Economy
Series by Springer
1. Handbook of Service Science, 2010
2. The Science of Service Systems, 2011
3. Service Systems Implementation, 2011
4. Service Design and Delivery, 2011
5. Managing Complex Service Systems, 2011
6. Global Perspectives on Service Science: Japan, 201x (今年年末出版予定)
7. IBM Systems Journal Service Science, Management, and Engineering, 2008
7. IBM Systems Journal Service Science, Management, and Engineering, 2008
C. 日本の書籍:
1. 知識サービスマネジメント その作法と骨法、村上輝康、東洋経済新報社、2012
2. 横断型科学技術とサービスイノベーション 人を含有したサービスシステムに対するシステム論的アプローチ、小坂満隆、舩橋誠壽、社会評論社、2010
3. サービスイノベーション サービスを創出し付加価値を高める戦略的アプローチ、産業能率大学総合研究所、2012
4. イノベーションの発生論理、小川 進、千倉書房版、2000
4. イノベーションの発生論理、小川 進、千倉書房版、2000