SRII Conference (3/29-4/2, 2011)

Service Research & Innovation Institute conference is held at San Jose from 3/29 to 4/2/2011. The second day has Alan Kay as a keynote speaker, who created key technologies of computer science, like Dynabook, Smalltalk, etc...

He talks about News and New. News is what is happening, and could be talked by a few sentences, however, New needs to be created by leaning.

The present is described as a world views of each person. That could be very detail. People talk the future using present terms, which limits possibility of the future, since that will relate to the present world views. The better way to think about the future is to look back to the back and to learn from the history. The future could be described better using the history than the present terms.

Panel session: University Research & New Curriculum
Jim Spohrer, Director, Global University Programs, IBM

The following picture shows how many papers per each service system.

Mega topics
  • Super-Colleague: Humanitarian and labor productivity (augmentation) applications of Watson technology
  • Super-Service: Beyond self-service (toward invisible super-colleagues and intelligent environments)
  • Home Health: Technology-enabled home health systems (invisible super-doctor-nurse intelligent environments)
  • ManAg Servitization: Manufacturing & Agriculture factory of the future service system with customer co-creation
  • Crowd Sourcing: Instrumented people and city service systems (fun read – World Wide Mind, Collective Intelligence)
  • Whole-Service Sustainability: IT-enabled smart cities with universities at the core as living labs (Holistic Service Systems research)

funding comes from benefit creation base, job creation, real benefit, partnership (startup, founder, etc...)