3月6日−7日にThe Fourth Invited Workshop on Services Systems Scienceが東工大、大岡山で行われます。その状況をレポートします。3月8日には公開シンポジウムが行われます。
Colin Harrison, IBM USA, presents Urban systems and its layers. He says that Urban systems are the composition of services and capacities derived from the natural ad built environments. Urban systems consist from Natural environment, such as technology, property rights, built environment (roads, buildings), services and capabilities (energy, walter, transport), and the top is urban systems (people, culture).
Sew Bun Foong, IBM Singapore. presents sustainable innovation of service systems. One of examples is LIVE SIngapore, which is collaboration with MIT. Singapore government (IDA and IDA-WDA in the National Inforcomm Competency Framework NICF), universities (NUS, NTU, SMU, ISS(STMI)), and Industry leaders. Steve Vargo asks the definition of "Smarter city", which needs to understand from human aspect as well. Right now smarter city activities are forming based on government, universities, and industries, however, I would like to add "community" as a key element, which includes a human system to create gracious values through smarter city activities.
Colin Harrison, IBM USA, presents Urban systems and its layers. He says that Urban systems are the composition of services and capacities derived from the natural ad built environments. Urban systems consist from Natural environment, such as technology, property rights, built environment (roads, buildings), services and capabilities (energy, walter, transport), and the top is urban systems (people, culture).
Sew Bun Foong, IBM Singapore. presents sustainable innovation of service systems. One of examples is LIVE SIngapore, which is collaboration with MIT. Singapore government (IDA and IDA-WDA in the National Inforcomm Competency Framework NICF), universities (NUS, NTU, SMU, ISS(STMI)), and Industry leaders. Steve Vargo asks the definition of "Smarter city", which needs to understand from human aspect as well. Right now smarter city activities are forming based on government, universities, and industries, however, I would like to add "community" as a key element, which includes a human system to create gracious values through smarter city activities.
Level 1 Structures and frameworks, 2 Single mechanistic systems, 3. Control mechanisms, cybernetic systems
Steve Vargo talks about Service dominant logic to system science audience at a workshop.
From systems of practices, representing, normalizing, and exchange, are identified. SDL views update exchange to integrating.
There is an interesting discussion on boundaries and integration based SDL. For system science researchers, boundary definition is necessary to define a system. On the other hand, SDL views of the system is focusing on integration, not separation. SDL views change the view of the world.
David Ing, IBM, presented why he is joining this workshop by sharing his various activities related with service and system science. That is like creating service system science components.
Looking back to today's discussion, it is interesting whether a service system is represented by layer or network. VSM is represented by a combination of layer and network (network includes any), so human focused service system needs a similar approach to model it, I suppose. That will create a service system science language to express a service system. : )